[This is a picture of Whiskey Bay, which is part of the Atchafalaya River.  This is looking north from a spot about 2 miles north of the I-10 bridge over the bay.  This picture was reversed to make it fit better with the design of this page.]
Updated As Convienient  (most recently on 18 August 2000)[new]
I Think we've heard this before:The independant counsel has seated ANOTHER grand jury to investigate Clinton. He's trying to determine if Clinton comitted any crimes during the Sexgate scandal that he can be prosecuted for after he leaves office.
Looks like they're conducting a probe of Clinton's probe of Monica Lewinski.

We've heard this before too: A Kennedy heir and a dead girl in New England. A 39 year old cousin of the Kennedy clan is accused of a 1975 murder in Conneticut. Increditably, the hearings so far have dealt with whether he should be tried as a juvenille on the basis that he was 15 when the girl was murdered.
And the wacko extremists on the PGA STILL refuse to put any common sense restrictions on golf clubs.

Are you going on vacation this year? If you do you'll probably have to be careful about how much you spend.   Now, what do you think a government official spends on travel in, let's say, an eight year period. If you guessed Clinton for $250,000,000 you'd be correct.
If you look at this notice how many cargo lifts it takes to get him and his entourage around.

The Democrats are the party of inclusivness. Well they like to claim they are, but the Boy Scouts found out otherwise at the Democratic convention.
They don't trust you with a handgun, but they want you to trust a homosexual with your kids.

LISTEN UP. All of you GUN-NUT paranoids out there who don't think governments can be trusted, repeat after me: Registration does not lead to Confiscation, Registration does not...D'OH! Never mind.

At his acceptance speech DUBYA made a crack about two army divisions not being ready to fight. The military and civilian authorities who are responsible to see that they are say that they are. Is that a suprise or what?

The administration claims that the US government has a $2,000,000,000,000* (that's $2 X 1011 ie, 2 TRILLION DOLLARS) budget surplus, but still refuses to cut taxes. In fact, Clinton has just vetoed a bill that would have phased out the Marrige Tax, over 10 years. It's looks like another indication that they believe that everything belongs to the government. *2 Trillion dollars works out to roughly $8,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.

Whiskey Bay Sing Along: "Signs, signs, everywhere are signs; blocking out the scenary and breaking my mind...." The Army Corps of Engineers administers the Bonnet Carre' and graciously allows the general public recreational use of the area, subject to a few restrictions.

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Old News

The USDA is the US Dept. of Agriculture, right? So why are they so interested in civil rights. So far it's cost us about $280,000,000...

The buzzards are circling the carcass. $34 million for 118 hours of work: Let's seeeeee-- that comes to $4,800 a minute....

Did you step on $6,000? A south Baton Rouge woman won $6000 in the big roach contest(more)...
How come the biggest roach in the country is worth less than 2 minutes of a lawyers time?..I mean the roach is so much farther up the food-chain and all.